Recognised vs Recognisable Degrees

RECOGNISED DEGREES: The Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KY.S.A.T.S.) states on its official website that in accordance with  the relevant laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the European Union the  title “University-Level Degree”, in Cyprus, corresponds to programmes  the duration of which is four full-time academic years or 240 European  credits (ECTS) in accordance with the European Higher Education Area.  These programs are RECOGNISED by The Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications as equivalent to university degrees.


The term RECOGNISABLE program is used by Tertiary  Education Institutions that offer three year degree programs of foreign  Higher Education Institutions. The Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KY.S.A.T.S.) has published a detail procedure on the issue of franchise programmes. Learn more by clicking in the link below:
